Payment Plans
2024-2025 Academic Year FACTS Payment Plan and Grant and Aid
To enroll in The FACTS Payment Plan and/or enroll in the FACTS Grant and Aid program for Financial assistance please visit the FACTS website.
There are two options to pay your tuition at Bishop Timon. You may enroll in the FACTS ACH auto deduction payment plan method where the same payment is taken out on the same day each month. You may also choose the FACTS Invoice plan method where you go back into your FACTS account each month and choose the dollar amount you want to pay each month.
By enrolling in the FACTS Grant and Aid program, Timon will be able to make a determination of financial need for the following school year. This process should be completed immediately by incoming freshmen and by upperclassmen by March 26, 2025 in order to be considered for financial assistance. Please note: this includes the submission of your most recent Federal Tax return.
The payment plan platform will be used and updated to set a monthly payment plan to Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School. Information required includes your bank account and routing number. The parents/guardians will have access and the ability to modify or edit their account but not the payment amount. The school will post the total amount and payment amounts.
Enroll in FACTS/view your current FACTS agreement
Any additional questions please email Graham@BishopTimon.com