Music Electives
The curriculum offered includes the mandatory Music I which is a semester long action-inquiry based course that explores the role of music in students’ lives. Students experience a wide variety of music representing pop culture and music from around the world and its development through the ages. The curriculum is centered on active participation through listening, playing, and composing. Students receive beginner guitar and piano instruction through their participation in this course.
Performing Ensembles
Band – Students of all levels of experience are encouraged to register for the BTSJ Band. The ensemble welcomes wind players (woodwinds and brasses) as well as percussionists and string players. Students will receive targeted instruction on their individual instrument and will rehearse as part of the collective ensemble to prepare for performance.
Chorus – All are welcome to join the BTSJ Chorus. The chorus prepares and presents music to lead worship for all school liturgies in addition to developing repertoire for performance at concerts and community events. Students learn proper vocal technique and sing in a wide variety of styles.
Music I
Music II
Rock Band
Sound Recording I
Sound Recording II
Digital Media